Monday, December 06, 2004

December 07 2004. That's some special date, cos I'm now officially a ORDed personnel! Wow. Talk about how times flies. When was the last post? 2003? that's like almost 2 years ago. And i can still remember vividly some of the things i typed. Re-reading those threads really brought back alot of memories. To tell the truth, i miss camp. I miss my buddies, my soccer days, those long distance jogs, those sai gangs, the sun, the food, the people. Everything. Joni Mitchell, "Don't it always seem to go That you don't know what you've got Till it's gone". She's so damn right. And NUS wasn't the bed of roses my teachers always told me about. It was the most stressful period of time i had ever gone through. Never in my 21 years had i experienced stress from studying. Man, was i demoralised. Study till on the verge of crying. Was this the effect of having to stop 2 and a half years to serve the nation before i continue with my studies?

On how i rediscovered this blog: Was typing "CS1101C" in google, hoping to find comments from people on how they feel about the module. Then found this dude, Jian Ho or someone like that, who got this new blog, writing out his life with the most meticulous details. He tell of people like jia hui and edwin. Wonder they are the same people whom i knew. Anyway, his address was Then something struck me: I had a blog before! Trying out my luck, i tried the ubiquitos oddabe83 moniker, and ta-da, there i was, re-reading whatever i had typed on nights 2 years ago. This must be fate. Anyway reading the past post must have been the most enjoyable thing to do. I shan't had stopped posting. Could have missed out lotsa facts and stuff.

If I have the choice to go back in time to choose the period in which i would like to be for the rest of my life, maybe just maybe, army I choose you. The time when i with my buddies, with a purpose, with dreams to look forward to, with anticipation of outside life, when the days when i was so sheltered, with motivation towards ORD. Then again, might have been secondary school days. No stress from studies, many wrongs to correct, many friends. To anyone reading this post, the best friends of your life comes from your secondary classes. Find them and cherish them. Tie them to your body parts, make tatoos about how you and them going to stay together, burn the memories into your mind forever. They are the only true friends you'll need, and ever find. Friends afterwards were more or less acquaintances. That's especially true in NUS. People walked past you, people smile, maybe with a 'hi'. And that's it. Acquaintancios.

Hey hey, going to sleep now. Just recovered from some 38 degrees fever. Now feeling the high from taking those drugs. Until the next post, ciao!!

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